How To Foster A Low Tox Home Without High Expense

Fostering a low tox home doesn’t have to be expensive! In fact, it can be FREE. Sometimes, all you have to do is get rid of things in your home and switch them out for healthier alternatives.

You can actually start with small but achievable changes. Even seemingly ‘small’ changes can have a huge and positive impact on your health and life!

Creating a low tox space is such a beautiful and simple gift you can give yourself.

Studies have shown that decluttering, adding plants, reducing synthetic fragrance and nourishing your body are just a few of the ways you can improve your quality of life.

Today, we’re sharing four ways to foster a low tox home without high expense:

Throw Out Your Air Fresheners

You really should stop using standard air fresheners. These air fresheners are full of phthalates, which are hormone disruptors that totally mess with our bodies.

Want to remove the smell of your space without phthalates? Implement these tips:

  • Diffusing essential oils
  • Opening the window
  • Invest in Sijo Scented Candles - Our candles are made of coconut wax which is a sustainable alternative to paraffin and soy wax. They burn for 50 hours, making for a subtle yet immersive backdrop! Our amazing candles are available for pre order!

Make Your Space Greener

Nothing detoxes a space quicker than adding natural flowers and plants into your space! Adding green purifies your air, they add a beautiful and natural scent to any space! We also spoke about the power of plants in creating a calming atmosphere in another blog that you can findHERE.

Here’s another quick list of what indoor plants can do for your home:

  • Reduce excess noise.
  • Reduce indoor air pollution.
  • Increase feelings of happiness.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Increase productivity.

Declutter Your Space

Okay, with all the rage about Marie Kondo, we had to include decluttering your space on our list!

Did you know that clutter causes your stress hormones to rise? It’s true! A study that was published in The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that women who felt like their space was cluttered felt more depressed. Plus, decluttered homes improve your overall health by leading people to choose to live a healthier mindset - physically and mentally.

Update Your Bedding

Most bedding is made from cotton which is grown in fields full of pesticides and fertilizers.The bedding you can purchase from Sijo is made of flax linen which is one of the world’s oldest textiles dating back to 8,000 BC. Flax needs no irrigation and uses much fewer fertilizers/pesticides than cotton, so it’s much better for YOU and the environment.

It’s a win-win!

Plus, flax is breathable fabric (almost like a second skin that keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter). It absorbs your moisture, so you don’t feel damp with sweat. Cotton sheets tend to break down after a few years. #NoThanks!

See! We told you fostering a low tox environment can be seriously simple. All you have to do is make a few small changes to see HUGE benefits.

How are you going to foster a low tox environment? What examples are you going to implement from this list? Let us know by connecting with us on Instagram (@sijohome).

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